At Newsbutler ( and all its subpages, we prioritize your privacy. That's why we don't use persistent identifiers like cookies or tracking mechanisms to identify individual users across sessions.
It is important to note that the website builder and deployment service, Framer, which hosts our website, collects anonymized data for analytics purposes. During this process, data remains entirely anonymous and cannot be traced back to individual users, as Framer utilizes a daily rotating secret (salt) to anonymize user IP addresses effectively.
This analytics process focuses solely on aggregate metrics, such as total clicks per day, without any connection to individual users. As a result, our website's analytics practices align with GDPR principles, particularly those of data minimization and purpose limitation. Therefore, user consent via a cookie pop-up banner is not required.
By choosing Framer for our website, Newsbutler is committed to prioritizing your privacy - staying ahead in the world of data protection while also ensuring our online presence continues to grow.
For more detailed information, please refer to Framer’s privacy statement.
Best regards, Your Newsbutler Team